Gerard Lee Architects and SGPA Architecture & Planning of San Francisco, team up to pursue the
Contra Costa Community College District's Request for Qualifications for District Wide Master Planner.
Oakland, CA, United States, 10/22/2006 –
Gerard Lee Architects recently teamed up with SGPA Architecture & Planning of San Francisco to pursue the Contra Costa
Community College Districts Request for Proposals for Master Planner services for the entire college district.
CCCCD (4CD) is made up of three major community college campuses and two satellite branches. The main campuses
are Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College and Los Medanos College.
Gerard Lee, AIA LEED NCARB was the Project Architect/Manager and one of the lead designers of the recently
completed Diablo Valley College New College Bookstore while at BSA Architects. He has extensive DSA (Division of State Architect),
State Fire Marshal and essential services facilities experience. He now leads a sustainable oriented public architecture
firm known as Gerard Lee Architects.
The new College Bookstore for Diablo Valley College has been quoted by both District officials and DVC representatives as the signature building for the entire college district. As such, Gerard Lee Architects and SGPA felt that by teaming together with GLA as the lead, they formed a team that would best represent the interests of the colleges and the District. Both firms offer complementary skills, talent and experiences and believed that by combining forces it would be a mutually beneficial alliance.
To rad more about the DVC bookstore you can access the project web page at DVC New College Bookstore GLA believes in the community college education system and supports its efforts by contributing as educators within the community college system and as sustainable designers for college facilities. Gerard Lee Architects is a LEED accredited firm, a member of the AIA East Bay Chapter and located along the waterfront district of the historic Jack London Square neighborhood.
To read the press release carried by Newswire today: Read more here