While we create pretty or aesthetically pleasing buildings/ designs or interiors, we have the ability to produce good quality construction documents to back up our designs. There are design firms and there are technical firms. We just happen to be one that can deliver both. Why is that important? Well as a client, looking at pretty renderings, you may not realize that it takes a lot of knowledge and experience to make it buildable. If it isn't documented or detailed properly, the end result could look anything but what the pretty rendering showed a year ago when the project first started. A fancy computer generated model or rendering does not result in a built building without some technical know how.
The people who work at GLA, are both adept at design and with properly detailing (& documenting) a design.
Some may scoff at the idea but
what good is that pretty sketch on the cocktail napkin if you don't know how it's going to be built?
Ask any contractor and they will tell you that a good build is completely reliant on a good set of construction documents.
The tighter the
drawings, the less headaches and additional expense to get it built. Planning and building departments do appreciate
permit drawings that are clear and easy to read.
The drawings generated by Gerard Lee Architects have a reputation of being well crafted and typically lead to good bids on public projects.
The principal of Gerard Lee Architects has been commissioned to help other architecture firms complete their construction documents and to help design
some of their projects. This underscores our abilities and the knowledge that has taken us years to accumulate.
We are a firm able to design and to document our projects well. Good drawings tend to result in competitive bids and less change orders during construction.