LEED summary

LEED-NC Rating System Credits summary:

Total of 5 categories:

A summary of the available categories and corresponding credits are outlined within these pages. Note that with other LEED rating systems, some credits have different requirements or may not exist. For example, LEED CS which applies to core and shell buildings only has a total or 62 points compared to the 69 for LEED NC. So it is important to look at the different LEED rating systems as they apply to your building. LEED NC has 14 possible points in the Sustainable Sites category and LEED CS has 15 points.

Sustainable Sites:
This category of credits is intended to reduce environmental damage, pollution and other harmful effects due to building construction. Truthfully, the only real "green" measure would be to not build at all but that is unrealistic.
These are just a general listing/ summary of the credits and not meant to serve as a guide in anyway. We strongly encourage you to refer to the USGBC web site or obtain the LEED reference manuals.
1 prerequisite, 8 credits = 14 possible points

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Published 10/31/07 -last updated November 4,2007